7 Ways to Set Up a Successful Work Week
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Work Week Goals
Who knew the quest for inner peace started on your last day of work and began the night before your next week?
I can assure you, as a young adult I did not. In fact, I would say the routine to living a successful adult life can leave you feeling very very dull, and if not done correctly can leave you in a clouded slump of chaos.
In these next few steps I am going to layout my guidelines to a successful work week and it may surprise you.
Step 1:
Know when to shut off from your day job on your Friday. I know that not everyone works the normal Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm grind and I totally understand. That life, if not unchecked can be a GRIND and NOT in a good way.
Setting aside some “ME” time is a Friday night MUST if you can find the time to fit it in.
Scheduling in some “You” time can be anything that makes you feel good. Normally on Fridays, I just want a shower, dinner, a cocktail and some much needed solitude, while some people love to have a night out with friends.
Having a time that you have for yourself is yours to dictate, so you can hopefully carve out a little bit of heaven out for yourself in whatever way you choose.
Scheduling time with friends in 2020, may look a little different from any time previously before, but with some creativity you can still unwind and uncork with a few friends, all while keeping socially distant and respectful of the CDC guidelines that are meant to keep the people you love and yourself safe.
Step 2
Pick up your home all week long, every day.
Having a clean home and a picked up home are two different things; but if you can commit to picking up your home for the week, you can commit to a deep cleaning your home on your Saturday/Sunday or a day of the week that works for your lifestyle.
A clear mind has a clean home. I promise.
Step 3:
Wash and change your sheets once a week and make your bed daily. I feel like this is a no brainer, but I thought I would throw in the motherly reminder that ones sheets NEED to be cleaned weekly and making your bed lets your brain know that your bed has a boundary for its uses; sleep, sex and naps (if you do indeed like or need to take naps).
Sleep schedules are not to be toyed with. Not with infants and not with adults either.
Step 4:
Meal prep if you can but always invest in a healthy grab and go snack.
Meal prepping takes away the added stress of hanger, anger and famished decisions and snacks buy you more time to check in with yourself for your everyday decisions.
The added stress of staring into your cuboards can be a creative task, but if you know you have something already that is made for dinner or lunch to grab and go, it really allows you to have more free time to handle whatever else may be thrown your way and you won’t feel so rushed doing it.
Even if you don’t meal prep, you can meal plan so you know exactly what you are having on certain nights of the week. It does take the spontaneity out a bit, but you can always switch around menu dates and play around with how you plan your meals.
The plan is that it is just that…..a PLAN, and if something else comes along you can always change your plan.
the meal prep or meal plan is just a strategy to avoid chaos and confusion when dealing with your meals and to me, that is a huge win on the adulthood front.
Treat yourself like your best parent version of YOU would take care of YOU and I promise adulthood becomes way LESS crazy to navigate.
Step 5:
Make your weekly goals known to yourself the night before your new week. Pencil them in your to-do calendar or make a voice memo (I love a voice memo).
Side note: Set alarms and ask Siri to help you remember times and dates for things that are due; so you don’t forget to complete tasks, pay bills, etc.
Step 6:
Get your body moving in a way that you enjoy. I know that sounds annoying because not everyone loves to work out, but I do believe that we as human beings were meant to be active daily and that the day-to-day work life we lead is not actually how humans are wired.
We have so much energy stored in our bodies for exertion and it’s not all just to make it into work on time.
When we move our bodies our bodies exert energy, our endorphins raise which makes us happier and it tends to clear your head and clear your energetic field; giving you more energy and mental clarity. It can be a walk, a run, yoga, an online workout (YOUTUBE has a ton of at home workouts you can do).
Step 7:
REST. Do nothing.
Check in with yourself.
Pamper yourself.
Relearn your wants and needs and do it all again next week.
Let me know if you found this post helpful in the comments below and please take care.