10 Fall Accessories You’ll Love
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When changing seasons it’s important to fully integrate the aesthetic of the season with it.
Why you ask?
It can be seen as an important task to ground yourself in your current reality, even if it isn’t your favorite season (I feel most love fall), but even within the grounding it should inspire you to live your best life and strive for all you dream.
Personally, I love the change of the seasons, so this isn’t too far of a stretch for my comfort level, but regardless of your stance on fall, I hope these pieces I have selected make you excited to dive fully into fall.
The pieces I decided on were about functionality and style and I hope you enjoy my selections and are inspired to style away into the autumnal season.
My first selection is the fall handbag.
Fall handbags purpose can be seen as twofold. Its first purpose is to look stylish, while the second purpose is to be moveably functional for ones daily routine.
Jord’s Maiken envelope backpack is my first pick for the fall accessory win.
It comes in orange and black and is your perfect eco-friendly fall accessory; made with vegan leather and vegan cork leather.
Jord’s Maiken envelope bag is super chic, super functional and eco friendly, what is not to love?
Kate Spade offers the Louise Medium Dome Satchel; yet another fall fashion staple that will see you through year to year.
With this one, you really are investing in a piece that will last you for a long while.
ALDO comes in HOT off of the summer vibe, offering the wildcard bag of the season with its ‘Laibel artisan’ pattern bag, in blue…and it is a MOOD.
The perfect accent bag for any season.
Following the handbags, it’s equally just as important to accessorize your hair.
Fall is the one time of year where women everywhere are searching for quick hair routine tutorials (or is that just me?) and what better way to look put together than to add in some much needed hair accessories.
As someone who is a sucker for plaid and for the idea of anything tartan, please sign me up for these absolutely amazing turban headbands by DreamingStudioCo on Etsy. Her entire lineup for fall is on point.
What instantly upgrades your fall hair after the headbands crowning you with its presence?
Did someone say velvet scrunchies? I have you covered. Affordable, functional, fun and easy on your hair.
I personally live in my velvet scrunchies. They are perfect to sleep in, perfect to hold your hair in a top knot whilst working out (maybe double if you have very heavy hair) and just all around they do not disappoint.
The next move on the accessory list is to link up with some jewelry that is stylish but won’t make you feel like you’re being worn. These are all buildable pieces so you can add more jewelry or leave them as is.
Let’s take a look, shall we?
Sentimental and Rose Gold via Ted Baker. It’s definitely a stackable piece and something that screams that you care to invest in your jewelry collection, while also maintaining that you value a subtle stance on an accessory.
This Black Onyx Hydro ring from Gem Forming Studios on etsy is such a MOOD.
If you’re into protective crystals, this is one to have in your back pocket, or on your fingers, or anywhere near you, to be completely honest.
I love the unique stamp on all things initial and monogramed for this next piece. It’s definitely a unique find and one that will look amazing alone against a tshirt or against a sweater.
I am all for this initial look by The Silver Wren.
The last and final fall accessory is a STAPLE and a must have for your fall intro bests. Why? The temperatures are not always predicable and it can serve us all well to be well prepped and to have our gloves right in line with our trendy fall handbags……
These gloves are super functional and adjustable and available at Target, which is always fun especially in the year of 2020.
Target runs are legendary…. Plus, Target has pick-up delivery to your car and or home delivery (via on-line or in the app), so you don’t ever have to step inside the store.
Hope these fall accessory picks find you well.