
About Page of Bella Kate 22.
About Bella Kate 22
Hello, and welcome to Bella Kate 22.
This is a fashion and lifestyle blog created by me, Nikita.
I’ve always loved writing, fashion, creating and sharing ideas.
Please come along with me as I adventure through this blog.
Bella Kate 22 has curated blog pages dedicated to fashion, beauty, lifestyle, cocktails & noms.
We hope to have all our bases covered in the fashion and lifestyle blog space, but are always learning, growing and hoping to expand into all avenues blogging has to offer.
If you would like to see something on the blog, email us at bellakate22blog@gmail.com for inquiries.
This blog is also a place where we talk about activism as this is a black owned blog space; equality is an important part of the Bella Kate 22 brand.
If you have a black owned business we would love to hear from you and perhaps even feature you on the blog.
This offer is for all minority led business owners and we thank you in advance.
If this sounds like something that would interest you or your company, Bella Kate 22 would love to hear from you.
Please reach out.
Bella Kate 22 updates blog posts every Thursday unless otherwise poste
Thank you so much for stopping by the about Bella Kate 22 page and we will see you in the website.