Beach Reads | the Summer Edit
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Beach Reads| The Summer Edit
Loosing enthusiasm for reading can happen for a myriad of reasons because life is a really weird and windy road, and you can fall in and out of love with the things you once enjoyed, only to return to them much later with a very loving appreciation and a reignited spark.
If you are not into reading, I would not force it, but I have found trying to expand your mind with something is better than nothing.
It can be brain teasers, painting, writing, photography, drawing, learning a new language or learning a new skill in general.
Every hobby you’ll ever have will ignite something new in your own mind and will light up different parts of your soul.
No hobby will ever feel the same or hold the same space as another because each hobby is invariably different.
When I think of Summer and reading I think of light, fun, romantic, mysterious books with maybe a hint or a tinge of inspiration between them.
In this edit, I want to allow something for every type of reader (I can try, right?).
Beach Reads For Poetry Lovers
For the quick in and quick out word extractor, a simple yet complicated book of poems is great for the beach.
You can open the book, read a poem, hop in the water and pick up the book where you left off in a completely different realm, because each poem will be unpacking a new and different layer.
When I was kind of struggling with concentrating on reading, I loved Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur.
Milk & Honey is a healing poetry book and has really beautiful illustrations to allow the reader to delve into the authors world while also exploring the themes she presents to the reader.
Her poems are marvelous and genius and very special.
Summer Read For Lovers Of Wit, Romance & Humor
Next on the book edit is a really fun summer novel by Marian Keyes.
I actually got this recommendation from my friends mom one summer as we were all laying out at my best friends lake place and this was the book she was reading and the cover looked fun, so I asked her what she thought of it and……..I bought one for my own book stash at home because she let me read a few pages.
This book is perfect for summer reading.
It’s quirky and fun without being too depressing and it keeps the reader interested (a bonus).
Books for People Who Love Self Improvement
Another book I really love for just inspiration and perspective for reshaping your mind in terms of things you can control and things you cannot control; is the book “Strong Looks better Naked,” by Khloe Kardashian (this could be a controversial recommendation in and of itself, I know).
I asked for this book when it first came out for Christmas in 2016, and read only a few chapters when I first got the book…….. but I re-read all of it this year and it really had a lot of good advice for headspace and movement, which I resonated with.
If that is you, I highly recommend this book.
Plus it comes with some fun recipes to try and in the summer, who doesn’t love new recipes and fresh farmers market ingredients? Sign me up.
Summer Read For You Sci-Fi Loving Freaks
Another book that made the biggest impression on me as a teen, in terms of sci-fi was Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.
If you’ve read this book, you’ll know why those fitness mirrors are actually creepy in theory.
Summer Read For Those Who Love Historically Based Literature
Finally closing the summer book edit for the beach with a serious novel and literary star, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”
Uncle Tom is actually a hero and a man of great faith, but don’t let me spoil the books contents for you.
Read it for yourself and be forever changed.
This concludes the Summer Reading Beach Edit.
I hope you enjoyed my recommendations and please do let me know what books you’ll be reading this summer.
Talk to you later.