Four Amazing Brown Lipsticks for Brown Skin Tones
We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.

For what seemed like ever, I had been trying to find the perfect brown lipsticks for brown skin…..
Whenever the trend really took off, I was interested.
I remember watching a lot of YouTube videos of women explaining how they got their perfect brown lipstick shades/or a nude pink shade and I couldn’t relate to what they were recommending.
A lot has changed since 2016, and brands are a lot more inclusive in their shade ranges for collections.
Without Rihanna, I feel like inclusivity in makeup shades would have been a lot slower to catch on.
Bite Cosmetics as a Staple
This has to be my absolute favorite shade and lip combination and texture and overall favorite thing to wear on my lips.
(Cue Excitement)
I discovered this brand around the time nude and brown lipsticks were picking up as a trend in my Ipsy bag.
The Bite Cosmetics sample was everything.
Brown Lipsticks for Brown Skin Shade #1
I had never heard of Bite Cosmetics before Ipsy…..
But after I had gotten my hands on the shade they included…. I was reaching for their product a lot.
The product was so used that when it came time to purchase a new one, the name of the shade of the color was permanently faded from the packaging and I was without a map.
I spent countless hours online matching the swatch of the nub of lip pen for weeks.
Ordering a shade online during the pandemic……
Then being so disappointed when it was too pink…
I decided to go into Sephora myself after that and bothered the Sephora clerks enough to let them leave me be, as I played swatch monster at the Bite Cosmetics makeup section.
I finally got it down.
The perfect almost shade to the nub of lipstick I was about to leave behind forever.
Enter in Glace and Sugar Cane (which, as I write this blog post I am finding that these colors are discontinued……and I am sad about it.)
Sugarcane and Glace are my two favorites here to stay in my mind forever.
To get this exact shade I line my lips in Glace and put Sugarcane in the center of my lips to create a subtle ombre look.

Milani Cosmetics for the Win
Another great brown shade that I am loving is Milani’s matte lipstick shade “69.”
This shade is a bit on the orange undertone side, but it really is a fun color to wear all by itself.

Wet N’ Wild Sparks a $3 Joy
I was actually surprised at this, but Wet N’ Wild came through with a brown lip that lasts all day long in the shade Mochalicious.

It has this weird texture but it’s strangely comforting.
It’s a lipstick meets a gloss feel, so it’s hydrating but it isn’t trying to be a gloss….It’s trying to be a lipstick.
My only gripe is that its packaging is clearly trying to bring a luxe Pat McGrath lipstick look to its packaging, and it would have looked a lot more on brand if they had stayed true to their brand with a cute WW on the packaging instead.
Pink/Nude/Brown Lipsticks for Brown Skin

The final product is Sugarcane from Bite cosmetics.
This shade reminds me of the 70s Barbies I used to play with as a child in the 90s. (They were my aunts Barbies).
So, I love feeling like this gives a bit of a throwback vibe to vintage glamour, which I love.
I feel like I should apologize for suggesting discontinued shades.
Next time, I will update their dupes.
I hope this finds you well.
I am off to turn another year older and I want Thursday to be for myself, so I am turning this blog post in a few days early.
Hope you’re all well.
Talk to you next week.