Bulletproof Coffee — Is it Any Good?
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Bulletproof coffee is something I have been loving.
Last spring, I started to use coconut oil instead of creamer (normally, I just have black coffee) and noticed an immediate boost of mental agility upon consumption.
Truly, I started to wonder if there was actually something to it and researched coconut oil and MCT oil (the main difference between coconut oil and MCT is their fatty acid chains).
I am not a dietician or a doctor, so take this information with a grain of salt.
I will only be sharing what I have noticed when I drink bulletproof coffee.
To preface more — I am also not following any dietary rules (bulletproof coffee is known as a Keto coffee, and I am not Keto — however, I find it more a match to how I eat naturally so this fits my lifestyle well).
Not Needing Coffee First Thing
Upon waking up, I am able to function a lot better without coffee and for longer.
It could be that making bulletproof coffee takes more time to make in the morning, but I naturally feel more energized.
I also love that I rarely reach for more than two cups of coffee per day. My first coffee is bulletproof, and the second cup is regular, with some oat milk creamer or just plain.
The brown sugar creamer from Trader Joe’s is a must.
My body digests the caffeine in a much healthier way, and I feel less anxious and more satiated throughout the day.
I couple this with a high protein and healthy fat breakfast with some fun carbs like protein pancakes, eggs, sautéed kale, wheat toast, high protein yogurt or some chicken or turkey sausage, and I cook with olive oil or olive oil spray.
Sometimes, breakfast is a few hours later, and sometimes at the same time as my bulletproof coffee intake.
I was hesitant to try bulletproof coffee, because it is marketed as a Keto coffee, but I use it just like a regular cup of coffee.
Technically, you could say that I eat keto friendly foods — However, I don’t follow a diet. I just eat what makes my body feel best and what I crave. That works best for me.
I don’t think it’s helpful to tell someone hey — “I drink this keto coffee,” and leave out the food stuff because I think it can confuse people who have issues with disordered eating, and can lead you down a weird path mentally.
Eat and drink food that feels best to you.
To share all of the truth is that — I like food, I eat food, and I like this coffee too, and this is how I incorporate this particular coffee into my day-to-day.
Cravings Are Less
When I have a higher healthy fat and protein based diet — my brain functions best. Plus, I crave a lot less of the things that drain my energy faster.
I still have fun, delicious food that is more of a treat, but just less of it.
Even when I want the fun stuff, I think my body and brain function a lot better and work well with hunger cues.
I make better decisions. I am working at my most optimal.
For me, more healthy fats and more protein is my perfect match.
More Energy
Energy crashes are far less frequent, but conversely, my body recognizes its hunger and exhaustion cues a lot more accuratley.
This helps me to regulate my life in an amazing manner.
I think better, feel stronger and am able to be the best version of myself energetically.
The energy isn’t like a zipped and trippy feeling — it feels sustainable, natural and long lasting.
Even if my energy dips, I take much better care of myself.
Talk To Your Doctor
Obviously bulletproof coffee isn’t for everyone because everyone has different health levels, and dietary needs.
If you have health issues, please check with your doctor before trying it.
For me, bulletproof coffee has been such a great life hack, and I appreciate it and am grateful to the inventor and for the inventor for sharing their findings.
How Do You Make Bulletproof Coffee?
I use less or about a half of a tsp of ghee and coconut oil each.
Brew your coffee. I use my reusable k cup.
Place brewed coffee, ghee and coconut oil in a blender.
I use my magic bullet.
Let it froth and enjoy.
You can always add cinnamon as well.
Let me know if you end up trying bulletproof coffee.