Fall Organization – The Best Tools to Get You Organized
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Fall organization is something that I look forward to almost every September.
As the daughter of an educator, you learn to really get excited for fresh notebooks, pens, and sticky notes…..
Like, really excited.
As one ages and enters into the workforce, you don’t tend to have the same set routine you’ve had from kindergarten until college.
Fall always marks the start of a new educational school year, and I go there in my mind mentally — as if I, too, need back-to-school supplies.
September is my Organizational New Year
It really is.
I love this time of year.
All I want routine, focus, and a bit of predictability.
It’s a time to set new goals, to get really honest with myself and get stern with how much better I could be doing.
I do this throughout the year, but September hits different.
Organizational Tools I am Loving – Home Finds
For my home office, I invested in two things that have been game changers.
The first is my white board.
It is great for writing things down, and remembering anything that I may forget.
Also, it helps that it is right in front of my face so I can reference it throughout the day.
The next is my pink office chair. I love it. This makes such a difference when I am working from home and adds a level of comfort to any office experience.
A great working space is also key.
I have been using my aunt’s old desk from the 80s. I am not sure of its exact year. But you can shop thrifted or vintage to find a comfy older desk.
This is the closest thing I could find that looks similar.
Great Basic Supplies Are Key – Fall Organization
Great basics are key in having an organizational overhaul.
Here are some of my favorites.
My ‘S Gel Sharpie’ pens are my favorite pen.
I also crave a satisfactory pen to paper slide that can only be made by these blue pens.
Some dry erase pens.
Dry erase board cleaner. You can get pens and cleaner in the same kit. I just really prefer the option of pens that are not offered in the kits.
More Fall Organization Basics
I love having spiral notebooks over legal pads.
These are great to leave as markers in notebooks. It makes finding things a lot easier.
This just literally makes my brain happy and excited to look at.
Push pins are always great to have on hand. As well as a cork board.
A laptop/keyboard accessory I find to be helpful for posture. It is on my list.
As is this pop keyboard. I think I want the pink version. Not sure yet. It is a dream and I can only imagine how satisfying it is to click and clack onto the keys.
Closing with some fidget toys.
What tools help you to get into your fall organizational mode?
Let me know in the comments.