Finding Fashion in Your 30’s | Ultimate Personalization of Style
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How do you, you know — start the journey of finding fashion in your 30’s?
The first question is how does one lose their sense of style?
How does one even find their sense of style?
That is what I aim to cover in this week’s blog post.
An Introduction to Losing Your Sense of Style – Finding Fashion In your 30’s
In your teens, you tend to be pretty simpatico with your peer group.
As you graduate from high school and enter your twenties, your main group of friends can go their separate ways or evolve together.
What really happens is that life starts happening.
You can pick career, family, travel, and a myriad of lifetimes can fit into a decade, with your twenties being your most formative one.
Once you hit your thirties, you have to check in with yourself.
Do you even feel like you anymore?
What changed?
So many things can change.
We are not going to go into that here. I just want to acknowledge your adult self is more self-actualized than in decades past.
What we are going to do is focus on how you can find your style in your thirties.
Tip #1 – Dress for Your Style & Not for Your Age
So many people can get an idea of what an age looks like.
How one of a certain age can dress.
That mentality can be so demeaning and restrictive.
If anything, you grow more in agency as you age.
Knowing your personality as you dress is far more valuable to you than dressing how you “imagine” someone your age dresses.
Tip #2 – Know What You Like
Knowing what you like in fashion, art, clothing, music, decor are all a part of narrowing in on what you like on a personal and stylistic level.
In your 30’s you’re less inclined to care what people think, are less easily swayed by trends, and so — this may be a pretty great exercise to delve into.
Tip #3 Reference What Your Style Icons Do Well
I think people can get too caught up on how an outfit is framed for one person and less on what the outfit wearer is doing for themselves.
Is it the outfit you like? Or is it how they carry themselves?
Perhaps it is that the outfit is an extension of them versus the outfit wearing them?
Write down your three favorite style icons. Study them. Don’t focus so much on the clothes but on points of reference on why you like their style.
Tip #4 Know your Body Kibbe Type
Knowing your Kibbe body type will always be the quickest way to dressing like the best version of yourself.
You will learn your lines, what silhouettes work best for your frame, and how to put your best foot forward.
These are suggestions from Kibbe himself (and you can take the advice or leave it).
I like the Kibbe method because it allows you to focus on your bone structure and frame, and once you know your Kibbe type, it stays the same regardless of any changes your body goes through.
Tip #5 Know your Kitchener Essences – Finding Fashion in your 30’s
Finding your Kibbe body type is helpful, but many who find out their Kibbe body type often complain that it never feels like them.
This is where your Kitchener Essences come in.
There are a total of nine Kitchener Essences.
- Gamine
- Classic
- Dramatic
- Ingenue
- Angelic
- Natural
- Romantic
These essences are based on your facial structure but can accurately depict your personality.
This is always a helpful tool because it allows you to take your Kibbe body (the base) and drape it with the essences (you can pick up to three or more).
Example: I have a soft classic frame with gamine, classic, and romantic essences. These essences accurately depict my style accents when I get dressed and aligns me within my style.
Tip #6 Know your Color Season
Have you ever worn your favorite shirt, but it always kind of drowns you out?
This is where your color season comes in.
There are four color seasons in total, and each season has three subcategories.
Summer, autumn, winter, and spring.
Depending on where you fall, you will be given a color palette of colors that look best on you.
You can tailor your makeup and clothing to reflect your best colors, making your makeup and clothing even more tailor-made.
Tip #7 – Don’t Take Weird Criticisms to Heart
Ultimately, you know yourself better than anyone.
If given criticism, you have a choice to make.
You must decide if the critique is valid — sometimes there is truth to it.
Is it asking you to turn off your individuality and personality in some way?
Or do you find the criticism is coming from a place of projection?
You get to decide how you get to filter the information.
But at the end of the day — you know you best.
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