Checking In With Your New Years Goals….
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Goals can be tricky and last month was the start of a lot of goals talk via our New Year’s Goals blog post, in which we discussed well….goals.
Before we get into goal setting….
Welcome to Bella Kate 22, which is a fashion and lifestyle blog.
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As stated before…… goals can be tricky.
Now that we are almost two months into 2022, how are you feeling about the goals you have set for yourself in 2022?
Are you just as excited as you were on January 1st?
Is the honeymoon phase over?
Was life on paper a lot less complicated than in real life?
Okay, I hear you and that is why I am making this blog post.
To hold myself accountable and also to offer you a pep talk if you also need one.
The real question is, how do you continue to hold yourself accountable when life is not as you thought it would be even a month ago?
Give Yourself Grace
Understanding that life is like a box of randomness is key.
If these past two years have taught us all anything, it’s that you cannot really expect life to remain the same, but you can also rely on it to move you slowly through a glacially slow pandemic.
It’s understanding that your day to day tasks and moods and emotions will always ebb and flow and it’s up to you to really hone in on what matters to you for the day.
Hone In On What Is Sticking
The reality that all of our goals will be accomplished within the time frame we have given the goal is not always a reality.
Understanding that even if your goals sheet in all of its entirety is very much still as important to you as it was January 1st….
You may have found that certain goals may have moved up in urgency or importance since you last made your goals list.
Check back in with yourself and ask, what is sticking?
What needs to be moved down to a later date?
What no longer excites you?
Only you will be able to know exactly what needs to shift.
What’s A Goal That Needs Pruning?
This can apply to all of your goals, but really, what I mean is…..
The main goal out of all your goals…
What needs to be changed to make you more efficient in that area?
Do you need to go to bed earlier?
How about needing to work later?
Do you need to wake up earlier?
What are things you know are holding you back from your goals?
Revisit Your Monthly & Six Month Goals Sheet
What was the overall big picture?
The steps in which you need are hidden in these two goal sheets.
Remember that making a goal is like a funnel.
You want to end up here (the main goal), but in order to get there, you have to take a lot of very small, annoying and not at all glamourous steps to get to the big picture (main goal).
It is all very exciting.
After you’ve decided on what goals are more important for now, you can give your weekly and daily planner sheets a revamp.
Why Revamp Goals After One Month
Revamping your goals after one month is kind of important because you’re not the same person you were a month ago.
Even if you feel the same……I can almost promise you, you’re not.
It is scientifically impossible.
From the date you wrote down those goals, you have a different mood and mindset and essentially, you’ve lived more life.
So with this new perspective it’s really important to honor who you are now, with the perspective you have now, over say, a month ago.
Thank you for coming down revamp goal lane and……
I hope you crush your goals and hold yourself accountable and give yourself grace.
The free printable downloads of planner inserts are very much what I was referring to in this blog post and if you want them, they are here for you and linked here.
Talk to you soon.