A Quick Irish Soda Bread Just in Rosemary Thyme for St. Patrick’s Day
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Irish soda bread.
A staple around any table.
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Irish Soda Bread
Have you tried Irish soda bread?
If you haven’t, I strongly recommend that you try it.
The recipe is easy and can be different from household to household, but honestly……if you get the basics down, this bread tastes great.
History Behind It
The history behind Irish soda bread is fascinating.
It was first created by the Native Americans and was replicated in Ireland around the time that baking soda made its way to the UK.
I did not know that before writing this blog post, so I think that is pretty cool.
Apparently, Native American’s used “pearl ash,” which was the OG of baking soda before it went commercial.
A Household Staple
Irish soda bread is a great baking household recipe staple because it is versatile bread, but it can go with almost anything during any time of day.
This is a bread that really hits the spot for the soups, stews and salads as a side.
It’s just an all-around great bread.
-4 cups of all purpose flour
-1.5 tsp of baking soda
-1.5 tsp of salt
-2 cups of buttermilk
Pro tip: (add a capful of white vinegar to your milk of choice if you do not have butter milk……I use oat milk…stir and let stand for five minutes to give it the proper thickness).
– 1.5 tsp of chopped rosemary and thyme that has been mixed together (it doesn’t seem like a lot, but it is the perfect amount to add to this bread).
-Bake at 400 degrees for 17 to 20 minutes.
In a large mixing bowl add all the dry ingredients and mix together.
Take the chopped rosemary and thyme and add it to the dry mixture.
While you are doing this, take the two cups of buttermilk and stir it into the bowl with the dry ingredients.
Set the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Take a round cake pan or round skillet and spray a nonstick spray to the pan. I used the Trader Joe’s Olive Oil Spray.
Take some additional all-purpose flour to your hands and make a dough ball with the bread mixture.
Set the rounded dough ball into the greased baking pan and press into the pan or on a baking sheet into a circular shape, making the bread a height that is 1.5 to 2 inches tall.
Take a knife and cut a cross into the top of the bread before putting in the oven. This is called “Blessing the bread.”
Bake for 20 minutes or so and enjoy.
Recipe Conclusion
If you do give this very fun and easy recipe a try, let me know what you think in the comments.
Sometimes you will find that Irish soda bread will be made plain, with currants or with additional herbs, like in the recipe above.
It’s really all about your preference.
Irish soda bread is such a versatile recipe and as if this recipe couldn’t get any sweeter, it makes for the perfect brunch toast….adding sweet and savory with butter and jam.
Talk to you soon.