New Years
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I cannot believe that we are in the last few days of 2020. What? What is this? Light at the end of the tunnel? I knew it would come……. but time has been weird in the year of 2020 and a lot has happened.
In times of trouble, chaos, and unplanned events; there are always lessons to be learned and goals to be made. In 2020, I think our goals were mainly to survive.
Personally, I know a few people who think 2020 was a great year and others who have felt tried and tested time and time again and all of those experiences are valid.
What I would like to point out, in response of some people enjoying 2020, having their best year ever and others who are struggling; the ebb and flow seems to be the one constant in life (life’s own balancing act of the having and the not having).
Imagine yourself at a NYE party (I know, right? Why would I ask you to image such a weird old timey social event?) Are you imagining it? Let’s take it a step further. Imagine yourself in your most favorite dolled up version of self. What are you wearing? Who are you sitting with? Did you travel to see friends in a big city? Did you host a party? Who is there? Who are you sitting by? What are you drinking? Now, imagine that a person engages you in conversation, or perhaps you are the person engaging them in conversation, and all of the sudden they ask you (or you ask them)….”well, how was your year?” And you reflect and give them an honest answer. Whatever your honest answer is, I am going to ask you to imagine that their response is the opposite of what your response was to this question.
The reality is that in every year of life, we either have; a great year, an okay year, a trying year, a boring year, an eventful year, a lonely year, a grower year, a shower year and no matter what, the year always ends and everyone has had a different experience of that year; good, bad or indifferent.
In this way, 2020, isn’t so different and we really should not give it that much credit.
2020, has been a reflective year for many and I hope that in this year we have all learned to have patience with ourselves and others; allowing ourselves to give more grace to ourselves and to others (still learning this myself….).
Personally, I learned a lot about myself this year. Some things I liked and other things I cringed at, but knowing that I can see me fully and love me fully is such an incredible gift to bestow on oneself.
Whatever your year was like, let’s all be proud of ourselves.
Welcome to 2021.
I cannot promise you what the year will hold, but I wish you all well and a stellar new start to your year.
You’re so special and so loved and I am glad you’re here and that you are on this planet the same time as me.
Very cool.
Very fun.
Good times.
May we have them (good times, fun, joy, love, acceptance, growth, abundance, understanding, patience, integrity, honesty faith and hope) during all the years of our lives.
Take care and talk to you soon.
And, Happy New Year.
See you in 2021.