New Year’s Goals
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New Year’s Goals will be the topic of this blog post.
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New Year’s Goals
Welcome to 2022.
I am glad we are all here for another trip around the sun.
With that being said, I know the normalized trend that everyone wants to talk about is their New Year’s Goals, guised in the phrase “New Year’s Resolutions.”
As someone who has enough experience of many a New Year’s Resolutions; I know that the resolution hype is not for everyone.
This blog post is for those of us who don’t make resolutions, but strive every year to be a better version of ourselves…..without the “resolution” hype.
Let’s be real.
Not every year of our lives allow us to show up and show out how we thought we would, or could.
The reality of life is that when life throws you lemons, you can cry, whine and mope about it…..especially if it hits an open wound, but after letting it all out……..
Please make some lemonade.
I want this blog post to inspire you to make some lemonade and to feel excited and empowered about your goals.
Self Reflection
No one ever got anywhere they wanted in life without a little self reflection.
Not everything that happens to you is your fault, but how you respond and react is a choice and that is what the last two years have taught us all.
That last sentence are some things that I have to remind myself of a lot.
A lot of the time……I get it wrong.
I have to admit all of my flaws, but I also have to shine a light on my strengths as well.
Reminding myself that I always get back up.
I kind of think that is the point of self reflection when making your new year’s goals.
What was this year like for you and what are your new year’s goals?
Please set aside some time to write down your non-negotiables in how you’re going to show up for yourself this year.
Write your goals and non-negotiables down and see how it feels for you and make adjustments as necessary.
Keep them close to you and don’t let anything or anyone talk you out of the resolve you’ve made over your life.
New Year’s Goals need planning.
It won’t do you or I any good if all we do is visualize where we want to go.
What steps are we taking to get us where we want to go?
If you just do one thing this week, or today…..
Consider setting aside a half an hour to an hour, make yourself a cup of coffee or tea, grab a cozy spot to think and jot down what you want to achieve in 2022.
Now that we know what our goals are for 2022, we need a strategy.
If you don’t have a planner already, I geeked out and have made some printables to share.
Free printable PDF inserts for your pleasure.
I did this last year for myself and I think it helped a lot.
But this year, I wanted more of a variety of my planning sheets…… because I think planning can be a bit complicated.
Personally, I like to try to break down my goals down into check-in points.
I check in daily, weekly, monthly and at the six month mark.
Sometimes, I like to check in at three months.
Doing this allows me to see if my plan of action is actually working for me, or if I need to edit something in or out.
I give myself understanding and grace when I don’t hit the mark.
I keep planning.
This is me giving you the go-ahead to also be nice enough to yourself to fail, to get back up again and do what you have to do to achieve your goals.
Free Printable PDF 2022 Planner Inserts

PDF Tip: You can always resize them from the PDF download in paint studios.
Goals Recap
I hope you find the printable inserts helpful and that they help you to stay organized as you enter the new year.
Remember, never give up on yourself.
Be your own biggest supporter.
Check in with yourself often.
Take care of yourself.
You’ve got this.